2018 - Be part of a life changing year!

A new year and many of us have new goals and resolutions. What if one of your goals meant that you could be part of having a direct impact on 12 families' lives?  If you have construction skills that you would be willing to share, even just for a few hours, we would welcome you to our build site!  If you do not but are keen to learn and want to give back to others, you are equally welcome! Contact our Volunteer Manager Andree Nash at: anash@habitatgv.ca.  If you are a company looking for a group team building event that is meaningful - we have just the opportunity for you with a Habitat Build Day.  Contact Steph Baker at: sbaker@habitatgv.ca  to book your experience.

For 12 families, their year will mean a change forever as they experience the joy of a fresh new home and financial stability that will lead them to independence.  Join us!

Jack Shaw